Friday, 28 September 2012

For the Greater good...

Hey! so its been a little while since my Last post heres an update!

Unite was brilliant! even though it was not packed out with young people God moved in dramatic ways! Chains were broken! I got a chance to catch up with some of the young people from my small group at Re:Act and prayed with one of them! Prayer storm was phenomenal the speaker James did a fantastic Job! he spoke a 100 words a second but the young people really responded! We prayed for areas of Warrington and that God would move in them and we would be united for him! Very excited to see what God is going to do in warrington!

United we Stand.

So now that the church has said yes i have been exploring Lymm some more and it is a beautiful little village! (For the greater good) its small but lovely! Went for a prayer walk around the school with Darren and just prayed God would open and prepare the hearts of the students and teachers for Jesus.

The village (For the greater good)

I have got a great support network around me and i have a brilliant Family at YFC. Everything is going really well here! I am really looking forward to the national day of prayer at Wembley! on saturday the 29th os september. 20 of us young people are going to be in Gidion's army, this means not only that we get a cool free hoodie but we get commissioned and prayed for by Mike pilavachi, the ides is that we would take back the passion and enthusiasm back to our youth groups, towns, school, universities and see God move! Its going to be a great day!

I am back down south after the national day of prayer till the 3rd (wednesday) to pick up my belongings and my HAMSTER :D :D It will be a good time for me to spend with friends and family to say farewell and also my Dad's heart has deteriorated while i have been away so prayer for that would be great :)

thanks for Following me on this new adventure With God!

God Bless


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    Emily x



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