Thursday, 20 September 2012


So since my last post i haven't really been up to too much, in a way its been lovely just to not be doing anything and rest but also very odd as i was SO busy during DNA. During the past week or so i have been meeting people in and around the church slowly getting known and helping with things such as toddlers and 2 of the youth groups, its been fab but it gets better.

So i found out on tuesday i think it was that i have been accepted into cliff college! i'm super excited slightly worried about the work load but with support i'm sure it will all be fine! Also tonight was the church meeting to find out weather i would be up north for good and I AM! The meeting went really well! i left and it was just a waiting game! after coming out of church and walking 15 mins in the wrong direction! once i finally got home i got a phone call to say your in! What a relief!! God has totally been in this 100% and i am so excited to see what God is going to do with me here! The people here are so lovely! They have accepted me so well!

I have met the new WYFC worker Darren and i'm super excited to be working along side him doing detached and schools work along with other bits and bobs!! Unite is on tomorrow and its joined by prayer storm! chains are going to be broken! Unite is a monthly worship event for young people and around 70-100 young people will be there im' super excited! Going to be with the team all day praying chilling and just having fun!

This whole journey as really just proven to me if you step out and trust God 100% he WILL meet you and not let you down! Praise God!

where God leads he Provides.

Darren... Bless him.

                                                                        God Bless

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