Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Autumn is here!!

This is where i live.

My favourite time of year is autumn it is so beautiful! The trees look incredible with all the different colours coming out! and the leaves decorating the pavement like glitter on a page. 

After being home for summer i have been back in Lymm just over a month. It is great to be back at work, gosh i have missed my young people so much! It didn't take much to get back into the swing of things. A few things have changed since i have come back and it has made life a bit more interesting i'm no longer doing things which i was really enjoyed but i just know God has it all under control! 

God has been working on new exciting things though, he has really put on my heart to start up some drug education in my little area of Lymm. Me and Darren run a youth drop in called the Hub and the relationships i have built with some of the young people especially the girls is what i love the most about my work! I love the fact that they are honest with me and ask for my help and that i can share my faith with them. A lot of the young people including the girls are taking drugs and some of the lads are actually dealing them. The young people have actually asked me to do some drug education and after receiving a large donation towards this i am so excited to get this up and going! 

The point of me blogging about this is to show Gods grace, before the summer i did something that for a long time i though impossible to forgive but i know God and i know he forgives and it is his grace that blows me away that even though i am broken and mess up and do things that are so stupid he still uses me to further his kingdom! I am so excited to start this new journey with him!


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